Our skin is a reflection of overall health and wellbeing, our needs evolve as we journey through different stages in life. Each phase of life presents its own challenges and it is essential to nurture our skin at all stages to ensure it stays healthy, radiant, fresh and resilient.

Pre-Teen – Teenage Years

During our pe teenage years, we had a high turnover of new skin cell renewal at approximately every 28 days. The high production of collagen and elastin makes our skin plump and glowing.

However, hormonal changes that take place during puberty causes an increase in hormone androgens and we produce more sebum. This causes our oil ducts to get blocked, resulting in acne.

What should I do?

  • Thorough cleansing with gentle cleansers
  • Simple gentle non-astringent toners
  • Light weight moisturisers with added vitamin E and plant ingredients for nourishment

20 – 30 Years

During this time, our skin is at its peak health if cared for well.

What should I do?

  • Protect against sun damage
  • Use broad factor sunscreen
  • Protect against environmental aggressors like pollution (Try our Antipollution Day Serum – your biggest defence against external aggressors)
  • Use gentle cleansers and moisturisers
  • Introduce a very gentle exfoliator

30 – 40 Years

If your skin has been taken care of in your 20s, it will still look blooming and in radiant health. However, cell turnover begins to decline and our skin can begin to look dull. Over time, our collagen and elastin production also begins to decline. Furthermore, life changes like starting a family, busy work schedules etc may create increased stress in life which will affect your skin.

What should I do?

40 – 50 Years

During this period, our skin changes rapidly. Our processes begin to slow down. Our cell turnover slows town and our top layer of skin begins accumulation of dead skin cells resulting in duller complexions.

Our collagen breakdown begins and our skin starts losing elasticity. Our skin begins to sag, especially around the jaw line. At this stage, skin sensitivities begin to occur which results in thread veins and broken capillaries.

This is the age where the onset of pre-menopause may begin. You may get hot flushes and oestrogen and progesterone hormones begin to decline.

What should I do?

50 – 60 Years

This is when menopause and its symptoms affects us the most. You may get hot flushes, dry skin, loss of collagen and elastin due to declining hormones. The structure of your skin may decline, making it appear saggy. Fat loss from face begins and your skin may become thinner and fragile. During menopause you may also experience pigmentation and dull complexion.

To find out more about how our skin changes during menopause, head to our last blog here.

What should I do?

  • More nourishment, hydration and protection
  • Use serums to support skin barrier by using good quality plant oils (Shop Serums here)

60s, 70s and Beyond

Our skin barrier will decline and trans-epidermal water loss increases, this results in dry skin issues.

The overproduction of melanin causes dark circles under the eyes, age spots and uneven colour.

What should I do?

  • Plant oil serums are highly benefits as they contain the fatty acids needed to strengthen barrier
  • Extra and intensive caring and continuous daily maintenance
  • Incorporate massage with good facial oils to improve skin circulation
  • Keep skin hydrated and well moisturised
  • Avoid extreme temperatures
  • Protect yourself against sun exposure and pollution
  • Increase your nutritional needs
  • Give yourself plenty of self-care

From your 30s to 60s our skin works harder, so this is when we need to feed our skin with skin lipids and botanical oils rich in fatty acids and antioxidants.

Try our serums here: www.botanyxskincare.com

It is so important to know that any changes that happen during the aging process is okay and natural, we are beautiful at each and every stage in life but taking care of our skin, nutrition and lifestyle will make sure we feel comfortable and beautiful too.

Yasmin Ullah

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Collagen is that magical ingredient that keeps your skin looking youthful, fresh and radiant. It is produced naturally in your body and acts as scaffolding to provide support to the skin, muscles and bones. Its production begins to decline as you age, and many people resort to taking supplements with the hope of defying the ageing process.

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