“A love of nature is in my DNA and fulfils me spiritually, mentally and emotionally.”

My childhood favourite seat under the arch in our garden.

As a young girl I would often sit reading immersed in nature under a rose covered arch at the bottom of our garden. One book borrowed from the local library on how to make your natural skincare fascinated me.

This childhood pastime was the initial spark on my journey to launching my own natural skincare brand. 

Fast forward a few years and the studying for a degree in Biology and Biological sciences led to the second spark. I researched and wrote an essay on the “The ecological effects and implications of chemical control” and it instigated a fundamental shift in my thinking on environmental issues, sustainability, ecosystems and a biophilic lifestyle.

A busy work and family life followed and my connection to nature was lost for a while.

After the birth of my second daughter I developed a skin condition called Rosacea which is mainly caused by stress and although difficult to cure it can be controlled. As time went by I also began to suffer from extremely dry skin due to the natural ageing process.

Rejecting the choice of antibiotics and prescriptive steroids for my Rosacea and dry skin I found my way back to nature and began to formulate my own skincare range for personal use to help me.

Taking a holistic approach, I also re-evaluated my whole lifestyle and now take time to reflect and de-stress. The results that I saw in myself created the third spark which opened my eyes to the powerful effects that natural botanicals combined with a holistic lifestyle can have on our skin, health and wellbeing.

After studying and training in Organic Skincare Formulation and Advanced Organic Cosmetic Science I qualified as a certified Organic Skincare formulator.

Inspired by the intelligence and beauty of nature Botanyx was born for those moments of daily self-care rituals knowing that you are nourishing and beautifying not only your skin but your connection to your deeper self and nature.

Yasmin Botanyx Profile

Full member of Society of Cosmetic Scientist and member of British Society of lifestyle Medicine.

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Collagen is that magical ingredient that keeps your skin looking youthful, fresh and radiant. It is produced naturally in your body and acts as scaffolding to provide support to the skin, muscles and bones. Its production begins to decline as you age, and many people resort to taking supplements with the hope of defying the ageing process.

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